We create a community that inspires and nurtures self development both within the organization and with our clients and local environment.


At Vana our practitioners are always learning and discovering new ways to help clients on their journey.


We strive to be the best version of ourselves so that we can help our clients achieve the same. Members of the organization engage in the same process as our clients.

our philosophy

Vana’s philosophy starts with people. We listen and we care. We provide a safe comfortable space for you to heal and grow into the future version of you that you want to be. Most importantly? We provide you with the plan to get there. We’re your committed partner on the journey to become the best version of you.

Vana combines Eastern and Western healing techniques ranging from centuries old therapies to the most innovative new therapeutic technologies to help aid in a Clients’ paths to wellness and ritual healing processes. A commitment to continued education and connection to community is the core value of Vana, with a passion to share what we’ve learned, provide the very best practices and new innovations, and uplift those we serve.

Mission Statement

The journey to a better life can feel overwhelming when doing it alone. At Vana we provide the tools, the teachers, and the  community that people need to create the life they want. We believe that with the right support system, anyone can create a whole and fulfilling life.